Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nikki Sixx: WTF??

I know this has been going around for a few days, but i really have nothing more to say about it other than WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, ARE YOU BACK ON THE HORSE????? I have spent A LOT of time with Nikki Sixx, and do not know this raging lunatic who was on stage and almost murdered a female fan for laughing at him.


CherylBLITZ said...

Nikki did wind up apologizing for this on his MySpace blog (

"There was a recent event at one of our shows where someone threw a bottle at me during my speech and I got pretty pissed. The way it happened is, I threw a bottle of water to some fans and didn’t realize the very bottle I threw to the fans was thrown back at me. I have to admit, Bands get pretty pissed when people throw shit at you onstage. I didn’t even think it was the same bottle, so with that being said, id like to say im sorry to the fan who threw the bottle back at me. These damn cliches seem to be true,like"two wrongs don't make a right....."

BTW—Why did you throw the bottle at "fans" in the first place, Mr. Sixx? We really don't want the water sprayed all over us while we're dressed up to attend your find concert. And, since we're all adults now, we no longer save germ-infested bottles as souvenirs.

Anonymous said...

I watched your posted clip and was guessing it was staged activity until I read the public apology. I agree that the whole bottle toss is not something that they should be doing. Stick with guitar picks and drumsticks, or tee shirts.