WHO: Hank Moody, Mia Cross, Charlie Runkle, Becca Moody, Karen, Marcy Runkle, Lew Ashby, tons of Showtime’s “CALIFORNICATION” fans and more.
WHAT: A “Californication” theme party complete with multiple TV screens showing Seasons 1 and 2, Famous Shamus cover band performing music featured on the show, goodies, lots of F***ing and Punching and much, much more. Dressing up as your favorite character is highly encouraged! *This party is not affiliated with Showtime or the makers of “Californication.”
“For her, yeah. At the end of the day, it's all about her. It's always been about her. What happens between us I can't ... control. Lord knows I've tried every which way. But what I can do is be the absolute best I can be for her. If I followed you to New York, I'd just be hoping against hope that we lived happily ever after. Maybe we do, maybe we don't, but you've got some ---- you've got to do, lady. I think you should do it. I'll hold down the fort. Keep her off the pole.”
Josh Gajewski at the LA Times "Showtracker" blog notes that "“Californication” is now revealing itself as a story about Hank and his daughter more so than about Hank and Karen..." THAT is what makes the show so great. It's not the sexist bullshit show or "Sex and the City for men" - the plot is humorous, witty and at times heart wrenching (especially dialogue between Hank Moody and his daughter Becca.
It's been a few days now and I'm sure you're aware that in the final episode of Californication, Lew Asbhy is in fact dead, Mia Cross heads out on a book tour, Hank finishes Ashby's book, Runkle begs Marcy back and she denies (HELL YEAH), Karen accepts a job in NYC and Sonia gives birth to a black baby.
At first Karen tells Hank he has to stay behind in LA but has a change of heart after Sonia pushes out a baby that isn't Hank's. As they're packing into the car for a road trip to their new home, Becca freaks because she lost her iPod and who shows up but the dorky BF Damien. With a new iPod in hand for Becca (complete with their playlist) he tells her he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let her leave without saying goodbye. Hank sees this display and decides he's willing to stay in Hell-A for Becca...because, again "at the end of the day, it's all about her."
I'm kind of too BLAH today to write anything intelligent, which is a shame because I've been meaning to go on and on about the amazing CANDLEBOX show at Irving Plaza (Filmore East...whatever) last Friday. I joked with them that they brought the shitty Seattle rain with them because Thursday night I almost drowned trying to get to a private party they were playing. I decided just to go to their gig at Irving Plaza the next night.
New York magazine's listing said
Dec. 12: Reviled upon their début, in 1993, for being shamelessly corporate, Seattle’s Candlebox borrowed heavily from the style and aesthetic of genre forerunners like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. Despite the antipathy, the band scored a couple of radio-friendly hits (notably “Far Behind”) and later signed to Madonna’s ill-fated label. The hits dried up in short order, and the band vanished for ten years, until a new album, “Into the Sun,” came out earlier this summer. Despite the passage of time, Candlebox’s sound is unchanged, like a flannel-clad mosquito preserved in amber.
They actually returned to the masses in 2006 when Rhino released THE BEST OF CANDLEBOX. Also, I wouldn't have described their hits as "dried up" since many of our major alt rock stations (whats left of them) and tons of satellite radio shows continue to keep "You" and "Far Behind" on constant rotation. To show off how terribly cool I am (or what a pathetic super fan I am), FYI the band named themselves after a line from the Midnight Oil song "Tin Legs and Tin Mines."
Very quickly - I love and always have enjoyed the whole band, especially Kevin Martin's voice and Peter Klett's lead guitar skills. But back to RAIN. Someone said to me a few years ago "if you're gonna do a blues song, do it dirty" while listening to this song. But I disagree. Without going into a whole wordy review, "Rain" was the finale song during the show and a big round of applause to Sean Hennesy (rhythm guitar) for the awesome solo for which he climbed on top of the speakers to play.
This video isn't from the Irving Plaza show, but I'll update with a quality live video of that display soon.
All this talk about Jay Leno shaking up Prime Time / Late Night television with his upcoming NBC show makes me wonder - who is the next generation of Late Night TV? Yeah, Jimmy Fallon is funny, but I haven't seen him prove himself as an interviewer. I'll tell you who has though...Damien Fahey.
Damien Fahey, longtime host of MTV's “TRL” who took over for Carson Daly in 2003, has interviewed TONS of A-list celebrities and musicians including Tom Cruise, Bono, Britney Spears, Fall Out Boy. WAY too many to list. Lately, major television networks have been vying for his attention as has Extra. He's regularly co-hosted “Live! With Regis & Kelly,” was tapped by David Letterman as one of four finalists to take over CBS' “The Late, Late Show,” and has done pop-culture commentary for major publications and television shows. He also holds the distinction of being the only VJ on MTV to ever host and write for the show.
Also, somewhere along the way someone said Damien Fahey and John Norris were both casualties of the MTV / Viacom layoffs that took place this month. Wrongo! Fahey recently signed a contract with MTV to stay at the network in a number of different capacities (he just interviewed Britney for the specials that aired last week).
Armed with all of 60 bucks, I went to BUST's (my fav magazine) annual Holiday Craftacular yesterday in NYC. The line was insane - crazier than Lucky Shops. Good for them! AMY SEDARIS (who FYI isn't one of the nicest people in the world) and PROJECT RUNWAY's Stella Zotis were on hand selling homemade cupcakes, crafts and "leatha."
Here are a few of my favorite new things:
JEMMANIMALS!! These little guys have so much personality. I want to bite them. Holiday dots for holiday cheer.
Their Mork and Minty herbal tea had such a party in my mouth that I would consider giving up coffee for this lovely beverage. Herb + Ginger also sells great tea strainers, infusers and other fruity and herbal teas. Check them out:
Bon Jovi has been named the top touring act in the world for 2008 by Billboard magazine. The rock group’s international jaunt, in support of latest release Lost Highway, grossed $210.6 million and drew 2,157,675 fans.
“The foundation of our success was and is touring,” says frontman Jon Bon Jovi. “Whether it was a nightclub or a stadium, we played each show like it was our biggest show. Our fans have been the reason why a second generation now share in this great honor. We thank you all.”
MusikBLITZ witnessed multiple Bon Jovi shows this past year and thinks the band rightfully deserves this title!
A favorite of the MusikBLITZ editors, the off-Broadway hit musical Rock Of Ages will soon make its way on to the big screen!
New Line Cinema has just inked a deal with Chris D’Arienzo, who authored the book for the original show, to write the screenplay and direct the movie.
Rock Of Ages takes place in Hollywood in the decadent 1980s where a Sunset Strip rock club is in danger of being torn down. Working at the club are many interesting characters whose stories unfold to some of the best hard rock tunes of all time. Songs from Bon Jovi, Poison, Whitesnake, Twisted Sister, Warrant, Journey, Extreme, Mr. Big, Pat Benatar, REO Speedwagon and other favorite acts are featured.
No word yet on who will be cast in the Rock Of Ages film. The star of the off-Broadway production—currently in performances at New York City’s New World Stages—is gorgeous American Idol finalist Constantine Maroulis.
Here’s a clip of the cast performing the big number “Here I Go Again” on Late Night With Conan O’Brien in November:
For more information, visit the officialRock Of Ages website.
Holy crap. Michael Jackson's signature glittery glove, which premiered in the 1983 video, "Billie Jean" is being auctioned off. As soon as I could understand music and sing along, maybe around 4yrs old, i took a liking to Michael Jackson, Billy Joel and Madonna (thanks mom). I looooooved "Billie Jean" and my Aunt made me a glittery glove just like Michael's.
Who's buying the glove for me for Christmas? It's up for auction at Auction Network. Our boy's Neverland Ranch is also set be sold at a seperate auction on March 19, 2009. So i'll take either the glove or the ranch. Thanks guys!
I'm getting into the Christmas spirit. You should too with Monster Ballads XMAS album, which was released last year and A BLACKHEART CHRISTMAS, available now on Joan Jett's label's website
I remember what I was doing when Kurt Cobain committed suicide. I was in Mandee's (yup, as in "Mandee to the rescue") with my friend Laura shopping for a long flowery dress and combat boots to wear to my 8th grade prom because I was oh so "grunge."
Hank and Karen however, were deciding weather or not to keep the baby that was growing inside of Karen. While I thoroughly enjoyed all the shirtless Hank action that went on during the flashbacks, I really loved the insight into the beginning of their relationship. As they both contemplate all that’s fucked up about their young relationship, the fact that she’s knocked up while they’re both cheating on their partners, Karen seems all too blasé about letting go of him, and Hank’s struggling with his heart – he knows he’s madly in love with Karen and doesn’t want to let her go.
Our boy sits at his (noisy) typewriter and writes a love letter to Karen that she takes a peek at while he’s in the shower. Later that day they decide they can’t see each other anymore and as they leave each other on the crowded street, Karen sees Hank drop the letter in the mailbox. She calls back to him and invites him to a Cobain vigil.
They live happily ever after….for a few years anyway.
Next episode Lew Asbhy goes and over doses. Who saw that coming?
As a New Yorker who spends a minimum of three hours a day on public transportation, I am often subjected to musical performances from panhandlers.
There are all types of performers roaming the subway system, many of whom actually play pleasant music. There are various accordion players, mariachi bands (always dressed nicely!), a cappella groups, violinists, brass instrumentalists, etc.
One of my favorite singers is a guy I call The Chicken Man. He often boards the E and F trains in Queens begging not for money, but for chicken! He sings in a monotone voice and has his own special rhythm that gets lodged in your head for days. His lyrics include lines like: “I am hungry/ I love chicken/ I love all kinds of chicken/ Kentucky Fried Chicken/ Kennedy Fried Chicken/ Chicken McNuggets/ Chicken Wings/ I love to eat chicken.” Once, I actually had leftover chicken fingers from a restaurant I dined at and gave The Chicken Man the chicken. I felt so proud!
However, last Saturday night, I met the new king of subway performers—The Extraterrestrial Saxophonist.
The Extraterrestrial Saxophonist boarded the 6 train in Manhattan going towards the Bronx around 1AM. He was wearing a Santa hat with tin foil antennas. He immediately announced that he was an alien and needed money to get back to his planet. He later told us that if we gave him money, he would take Sarah Palin back to his planet with him. Then he began playing his saxophone. At first, it was decent—not great, but passable. Then he played high-pitched squeals that hurt the eardrums. After that noise, he said that he would keep playing until people gave him money. No one did. A couple of drunk 20-year-olds decided to request songs from him; he didn’t know any of the tunes. He then played his sax again, followed by the squeal and begging. This went on for well over 10 stops. At one point, a bum went to get on the train. Once he saw The Extraterrestrial Saxophonist, he threw his hands in the air and ran off the train. He knew better than all of us who just sat on the train and continued to listen to this crap. Then, The Extraterrestrial Saxophonist said he was going to play a special song for the prettiest lady on the train. Of course, that just had to be me (sometimes it doesn’t pay to be this beautiful!). He stood right in front of me and played “For (S)he’s A Jolly Good Fellow.” Everyone on the train was looking at me. I was mortified! Throughout all of this, The Extraterrestrial Saxophonist was laughing; he knows he’s crazy, but he knows that he was also—in some bizarre way—entertaining the subway riders. Finally, he got off the train. At the next stop, we all heard his saxophone wailing from the next car in front of us and we all laughed, relieved to know he had moved on and was now torturing other riders.
a BIG THANK YOU to Carlos Alcala from The Sacramento Bee for the best surprise gift i've ever received (well, with the exception of my engagement ring)!!!
I know its a crappy picture however, instead of dumping an unwanted CALIFORNICATION PROMO COOKIE, Carlos mailed it to me because apparently i'm "the only person in the world who would want something like this."
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame FINALLY realized what a great idea it would be to open an annex in NYC. The museum itself is amazing - i had the pleasure of going through it alone last Friday and the opening video portion you sit through before entering the actual museum had me all choked up (which i guess isn't saying much as i am the girl who weeps at Californication).
However, the "party" they threw last night to celebrate the opening couldn't have been less fucking rock n roll. But I guess I shouldnt have expected anything more from a foundation who still has not inducted JOAN JETT or ALICE COOPER (yet they have the nerve to play Joan Jett + the Blackhearts songs at their party). But i digress. The DJ got off to a really awesome start playing Sabbath, The Clash, Zeppelin...then I'm not sure what happened but I started hearing lots of hip hop and weird remixes. Debbie...i mean...Deborah Harry and Chris Stein performed acoustically (YAWN). Other "true rock n roll" guests included Ciara, Taylor Momsen, model Jessica Hart, Lenny Kay of Patti Smith Group (he is one of the coolest guys ever), Kat DeLuna and Molly Simms. Les Paul was there, and that is damn cool.
Maybe I'm insane, but isn't this coming December 31st described as NEW YEARS EVE 2008?? NOT New Years Eve 2009? Sure, its debatable, however look at a calendar - it's "New Year's Eve 2008" and we are "ringing in NEW YEARS 2009."
I guess someone got a little confused when they organized their event, because now its being advertised as "NYE09" instead of what was up on the ticket sites as "NYE2008"
But then there's, which states December 31st is "New Year's Eve 2009"
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure Dick Clark knows his shit....
Dick Clark's Primetime New Year's Rockin' Eve Monday, 12/31 at 10/9c
Dick Clark Productions, Inc., producer of "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2008," today announced that multi-platinum three-time Grammy Award-winning artist Fergie will return to host and perform during the New Year's party celebration in Hollywood. The Hollywood party will also feature performances by Akon, Natasha Bedingfield, Sean Kingston, OneRepublic, Plain White T's, Taylor Swift and will.i. am. In addition, "Dancing with the Stars" judge Carrie Ann Inaba, whose new ABC show, "Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann," debuts in January, will make an appearance in the first hour.
The 36th Annual Edition of "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" will be broadcast on December 31 on ABC. The special event will be hosted in New York by Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest starting at 10:00 p.m. (ET & PT) and will include three and a half hours of special performances and reports on New Year's celebrations from around the globe
I can't begin to describe the insanity that has occured to me over the past two years in random Starbucks in NYC. So I leave you with this simple conversation:
Man: "ohhh tattoo on the foot."
Me: "yup...never again...way too painful"
Man: "as painful as this?" ::holds up left hand with half a finger missing::
Me: "eek sorry."
Man: "don't be."
Me: "well at least ur pain was quick huh?"
Man: "no...wire cutters...then I was tortured for 3 days. Prisoner of war. Just like McCain."
Then he went on to tell me that they elected Obamba to embarass him bc they're impeaching him "as we speak."
Back on Oct. 4, I had the chance to check out Scrap Metal at the Wolf's Den at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn.
Special guest Kip Winger opened the show with a 20-minute or so all-acoustic set. I love him acoustically because it really showcases his great voice. Among the songs he performed were: “Down Incognito,” “Headed For A Heartbreak,” “Miles Away,” “EZ Come EZ Go,” “Madalaine” and “Seventeen.”
Kip Winger at the meet-n-greet
Next, the core members of Scrap Metal took the stage—Mark Slaughter, Gunnar and Matthew Nelson and Eric Martin. They played Slaughter, Nelson and Mr. Big songs—in that order—until each had done about four tunes. We got Slaughter's “Mad About You,” “Burning Bridges,” “Fly To The Angels” and “Up All Night”; Nelson's “After The Rain,” “(Can’t Live Without Your) Love & Affection,” “Only Time Will Tell” and “More Than Ever” (which was one of my favorites of the night); and Mr. Big's “Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy,” “To Be With You” and “Alive & Kickin’.”
Gunnar & Matthew Nelson onstage
Mark Slaughter onstage
Then, second special guest Jeff Scott Soto came out. He did three Journey songs (including “Don’t Stop Believing”) and a cover of Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust.” He teased the audience with his big song from the film Rock Star—“Stand Up & Shout”—but didn’t do it.
For the finale, everyone came out onstage to do Queen’s “Tie Your Mother Down.”
This was one of the best shows I’ve seen in years! It was so cool to see all of those great musicians onstage at the exact same time, playing and respecting each other’s songs. It was fun! It was exciting! The energy was amazing! And, not once was I disappointed.
All of the guys looked and sounded great! AND—they were all enjoying themselves onstage. In between songs, they told some stories, joked around and what not.
That was my reaction to the last line of this week's episode of Californication spoken by Karen. "Yeahhhh...but he [Lew Ashby] is a great kisser..." If that wasn't another SHOT in Hank's heart I don't know what is. After about 10 seconds my reaction turned into actually feeling sorry for Karen for once...because...well, I think Kristal Hawkins at's VULTURE blog sums it up best:
Also, are we realizing that Lew is fond of Karen because she reminds him of Janie (who I must add is mighty hot). For the most part, this was the first episode of the season that I actually enjoyed. YAY!
I just listened to their brand new album, Undeniable, and it's really fun!
Who doesn't want to hear squeaky versions of classic rock, pop and disco hits!?!
My favorite track is their cover of Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer," of course. They even start out the song acoustically. It's totally adorable!!!
I also really like the 'Munks doing 'Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Show. It's a "Classic Chipmunk" recording that Alvin really rocks out on.
You also get to hear the trio reinterpret Bob Marley ("Three Little Birds"), Blink-182 ("All The Small Things"—are they singing about themselves? LOL!), Journey ("Don't Stop Believin'"), Led Zeppelin ("Rock and Roll"), Daughtry ("Home") and others. Plus, there are some Chipmunk originals.
And, in case you haven't heard, Alvin, Simon and Theodore are busy working on their next feature film, a follow-up to their 2007 hit flick.
Even though it's nearly 4AM in the morning, I am being serious here.
Metal fans out there will want to make sure they check out the premiere of VH1 Classic's That Metal Show on Saturday, November 15, at 11PM.
I personally know all three of the guys hosting the show and they are very cool and very knowledgeable when it comes to classic metal bands.
Plus, they have some really awesome guests lined up.
Here's parts of the official press release with more details:
NEW YORK – October 28, 2008 – After November 15, all heavy metal and hard rock fans are going to be talking about “That Metal Show.”VH1 Classic has mixed the best of “The View” with “Headbangers’ Ball” to create “That Metal Show,” an outrageously funny weekly series that discusses and debates everything in the world of metal.
Heavy Metal and Hard Rock bands undoubtedly have some of the most intense and dedicated fans in the music scene. Many debate—and disagree over—which bands stand the test of time, and which are easily forgotten. “That Metal Show,” premiering on VH1 Classic on Saturday, November 15 at 11:00 PM*, settles all arguments and even debates new ones. From Sabbath to Slayer to Dokken to Dio, “That Metal Show” covers all of the fist pumping, head banging, hard rock acts of the past 40 years.
Hosts Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine (Crank Yankers, Inside the NFL, Meet The Creeps) and Don Jamieson (Inside The NFL, Dice Undisputed, Meet The Creeps) discuss the latest rock news, share stories and argue about their favorite bands. Each week they will be joined by special guests who will weigh in with their opinions and offer their own unique viewpoints to each episode Scheduled to appear the first season are rock legends Rush, Twisted Sister, Lita Ford, Ace Frehley of KISS and a very special appearance by former baseball star Mike Piazza. Whether they’re arguing over the best British Metal Band of all time in “The Throwdown ” or tracking down one of your favorite metal artists who disappeared in a “Whatever Happened To” segment, no topic is too small and no metal band is left behind.
But “That Metal Show” isn’t just a roundtable discussion; it’s about comedy too. Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson will hit the streets to connect and hang out with the fans....and by “connect” we mean pull pranks on them. In one episode, they pull a fast one on fans outside a Van Halen concert by telling them that they have a direct line to the band backstage. The comedy continues in studio, as host Eddie Trunk takes on the metal maniacs in the studio audience in the “Stump the Trunk “ metal trivia contest. If the audience can stump Eddie, they win a metal-worthy prize.
“That Metal Show” is a hilarious 30 minutes of mayhem that all fans of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal are bound to love! It is the perfect combination of music and comedy in one show. Tune in to VH1 Classic on November 15 at 11PM* to join the debate, and rock on!
Sunday night's episode made me feel dirty. I also get way too choked up when Becca speaks to Hank. Some scenes of this episode were much as I'd like to go for a ride on papa Hank, I had to fast forward through the sex scenes. They just don't interest me anymore (GASP). And I certainly did not need to know that Mallory Keaton had her period. On of the final scenes of this one made me feel like i had been punched in the stomach by a 400lb body guard - Becca scolding her father.
I couldn't bear to post that scene here, for if I watch it again I might slit my wrists. Her scolding went something like this: “I'm always on your side, always, even when I shouldn't be. But I'm sick of it. I don't care if you and mom never say another kind word to each other, but I'm sick and tired of parenting you both. I'm a kid! I don't know what I'm doing half the time! But I do know this...If you keep cracking jokes, and taking another drink, and pretending that life is one big stupid party, you will miss everything.”
I think i need to watch Seanson 1 over again and see if it really was better than this season or if i'm just becoming jaded.
On another note, I am loving coked out Marcy! If you've never seen the movie Some Girl with Juliette Lewis, Marissa & Giovanni Ribisi, Michael Rapaport and the lovely Pamela Adlon pay three bucks for it on eBay and enjoy. Adlon plays the tough friend of a heartbroken Marissa Ribisi and kicks ASS.
Could it be possible that Mia's vlog is more interesting than the last few episodes of Californication? As much as I am patiently waiting for Karen to spank the shit out of Mia for stealing Hanky's novel, I really love the character development the writers have done with Mia. Unfortunately I can't say that for Hank - I think his character has become corny and they're going way too far with the chivalrous male crap...have you heard of subtly?
Maybe its because the previews gave EVERYTHING away, but last night I felt myself not as enthused with Californication. Or it could have been the lack of cute little devil worshipping Becca (Hank and Karen's daughter). I am extremely disgusted that Lew banged Mia (though this was expected) - someone needs to hand that girl her ass...I'd love to do it myself.
God help me if this baby is really Hank's, though I have a feeling that either it won't be his or she'll have a miscarriage. If it ends up being Hank's I might have to stop watching the show.
A quote from the lovely Becca: "It's all well and good to talk about happy endings, but if a person can't deliver, if he keeps screwing up, well, eventually i guess you kinda just have to say fuck you. Or words to that effect."
In early 2009, a rock opera like you’ve never seen before will open off-Broadway in New York City—Super Chix. This edgy show, written and composed by Lourds Lane, will feature an all-female cast of talented musicians from NYC’s indie rock scene. According to Lane, the show chronicles “the journey of one self-effacing young woman and super-talented comic book artist as she struggles to get out of an abusive relationship and grow to love herself…. Get ready for riveting rock and roll divas, over-the top guitar solos, thundering drum core sections, electric violin and flute insanity, and songs that you will instantly walk away singing.”
Several of the gorgeous and gifted girls from Super Chix appeared at Don Hill’s on October 23 for a special version of the monthly Take Back New York night where they previewed a bunch of songs from the upcoming musical. The powerful—both musically and lyrically— tunes will speak to everyone.
Check out these awesome Super Chix pix taken by Wayne Herrschaft at Don Hill’s:
Super Chix (Queen V, Militia, Lourds Lane and Kacie Sheik)
Lourds Lane (Music Director/Vocals/Electric Violin)
Meet the new love of my life, and hopefully yours - JEFREE STAR. I'll admit, when I first got an email about him I thought "who the F is this Marilyn Manson / Boy George wanna be???????" Much to my surprise I am eating up his cotton candy trashy glamorous electro pop just as much as I've been obsessing over Semi Precious Weapsons' live show.
Last week's episode of Californication (as you will soon realize, this show consumes me as does its name) I was nearly crying when Hank (David Duchovny) proposed to Karen. Sure it was a little too perfect and the lines were A LOT more cheesy than usual, but it was a total breakthrough in the show and my tears were for joy.
However, Sunday's episode left me enraged and hysterical crying (wow, I am such a woman). Crying is very unusual for me so it's kind of pathetic Karen breaking up with Hank brought me to tears. Bitch, if you thought you made a mistake, you should have never put the ring on!
I fear the next few episodes are only going to make me more and more angry at Hank. But, as Lew Ashby told Hank, he always had that rockstar vibe. Sigh...
The amazingly talented Butch Walker premiered three songs from his upcoming album, Sycamore Meadows, at a private party at New York City’s Angels & Kings on October 23. Taking the stage armed only with his trusty acoustic guitar, the singer-songwriter performed “The Weight Of Her” (the album’s first single), “Here Comes The…” and “Going Back/Going Home.” “Going Back/Going Home” was the best song of the trio Walker debuted. The tune features a quirky rap in the middle in which Butch sums up the first 38 years of his life—from being born in 1969 in the suburbs to losing his virginity to going to Hollywood at 19 with his first band Southgang to starting over with the “one hit wonder” Marvelous 3 to going solo. Brilliant!
Here's two pics of Butch playing at Angels & Kings courtesy of Ashley Cook:
For those not familiar with this musical mastermind…look him up fast!!! In addition to his own great music, he’s also written for and produced a ton of artists like Avril Lavigne, Pink, Fall Out Boy and Katy Perry as well as three of my personal favorite bands Bowling For Soup, SR-71 and American Hi-Fi. Sycamore Meadows comes out November 11.
I went to Tuesday night's Knicks game (where they lost to the Celtics... but that's another story). What I would like to discuss is the music played over the PA at Madison Square Garden.
Except for the instrumental theme songs to The Addams Family and Green Acres, every single musical selection was either a rap or an R&B tune.
Now, I know that the majority of the players in the NBA are African-American and, most likely, enjoy those genres of music, but not every basketball fan in attendance wants to hear only those types of music for the 3+ hours they are at the arena.
How come well-known songs that have become sports' anthems—like Gary Glitter's "Rock & Roll (Pt. 2)" or Queen's "We Will Rock You"—weren't played?
What about more mainstream pop songs—both old and new—that everybody knows and can sing/dance along to?
I'm not against rap/R&B music. In fact, I did enjoy hearing the classic Michael Jackson song "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" and Naughty By Nature's "Hip Hop Hooray." That's not my point.
My point is that there should have been more of a variety of music at the game. There should have been selections from all musical genres—be it pop, metal, jazz, country, rockabilly or polka.
P.S.—LL Cool J was at the game I went to. He was interviewed on the court and was shown up on the Jumbotron. Do you think they played any of his music? Of course not. That would make too much sense.
It's the first day of CMJ and my first order of business was checking out the "Everything PR Minus the Music" panel. Going into it, I was completely perplexed as to why in god's name Justin Tranter from Semi Precious Weapons was part of this panel among four publicity/marketing experts. I was also kind of shocked that the room was mostly filled with NYU students, rather than actual publicists wanting to hear what their colleagues had to say.
After I finished rolling my eyes to myself at Mister Semi Precious Weapons, I actually started listening to what he had to say...and damnit...he knows his shit. He's very involved in branding his band and jewelry line and is pretty darn savvy on the pr/marketing front.
Anyway, some of my fav quotes from his publicity advice today:
"Perez Hilton is King so I made him one of my Best Friends...and I have no shame in that!"
"Hipster press must die...I'd rather be in US Weekly than Pitchfork."
"People post fucked up [things like] 'fuck this fag.' I say 'ok, well line up!" (on bad press, especially on blogs)