“For her, yeah. At the end of the day, it's all about her. It's always been about her. What happens between us I can't ... control. Lord knows I've tried every which way. But what I can do is be the absolute best I can be for her. If I followed you to New York, I'd just be hoping against hope that we lived happily ever after. Maybe we do, maybe we don't, but you've got some ---- you've got to do, lady. I think you should do it. I'll hold down the fort. Keep her off the pole.”
Josh Gajewski at the LA Times "Showtracker" blog
notes that "“Californication” is now revealing itself as a story about Hank and his daughter more so than about Hank and Karen..." THAT is what makes the show so great. It's not the sexist bullshit show or "Sex and the City for men" - the plot is humorous, witty and at times heart wrenching (especially dialogue between Hank Moody and his daughter Becca.
It's been a few days now and I'm sure you're aware that in the final episode of Californication, Lew Asbhy is in fact dead, Mia Cross heads out on a book tour, Hank finishes Ashby's book, Runkle begs Marcy back and she denies (HELL YEAH), Karen accepts a job in NYC and Sonia gives birth to a black baby.
At first Karen tells Hank he has to stay behind in LA but has a change of heart after Sonia pushes out a baby that isn't Hank's. As they're packing into the car for a road trip to their new home, Becca freaks because she lost her iPod and who shows up but the dorky BF Damien. With a new iPod in hand for Becca (complete with their playlist) he tells her he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let her leave without saying goodbye. Hank sees this display and decides he's willing to stay in Hell-A for Becca...because, again "at the end of the day, it's all about her."